Monday, August 16, 2010


I thought living, alone, in Japan, alone, without crazy kids (aka dogs) and Lydias (aka baby's mom) and Phils (aka brotha from anotha motha) making me feed them and pet them and sneaking into my bedroom to poop and leave hairs on my black comforter... would be Lonely.

Wrong! It could be because I am slightly a loner. Kinda socially awkward. I don't mind being alone. I laugh at my own jokes. I get myself. I watch what I want to watch. I you get it.

NOPE the best part is all the nakedness. I'm typing this naked. It's okay I won't post pictures. Don't get offended mom, you are sometimes naked too. I've seen it!

YES living, alone, in Japan without my crazy (though I miss them very much so) country family is okay because I can live alone naked.

The blinds are closed though. I get too many creepy stares from creepier half-intoxicated older men. Don't want to get too comfortable too soon. Blinds closed for now...naked.


  1. Ha!You could've been naked at our house... it would have been weird, but whatever. I miss you even if you like living alone better. ha! love you!

  2. And... I'm confused... were Phil and I making you pet us and sneaking into your room to poop and leave hairs... because I don't remember that part...

  3. Hahaa! It would have been weird, but I do agree, it would have been okay. Maybe okay??

    Not better, just naked!

    YES I HATTTEEEDDDD when you guys did that. Especially Phil because his were significantly larger than yours (poop pieces not hair).
