Thursday, October 21, 2010
Rice and Vegetables
All I've been eating for the past week, however, has been rice and vegetables. And every once and a while I'll remember I have pasta to make pasta and all kinds of sauces. But, the spaghetti has been eaten and my coffee filter has been used twice in two days. I almost feel like a college student all over again. This, is NOT, intended. It is what it is.
I've made so many great things with rice and vegetables. I made fried rice balls (mmmm yummy) with a great spicy sauce. The next day, I made sweet rice (no vegetables). Hmmm after that, I had a meal of soup with rice in it. I flavored it like one might tortilla soup. It was a delight and lasted for three meals. The sauce really makes the rice. I never thought I'd enjoy rice so much and I'm getting better at not burning the rice at the bottom of the pot. Upon cleaning my drain (well taking out the food catcher from my drain...handy little bags) I found that after soaking all the burned rice from the pots, I could have easily eaten one and a half servings. So, I'm cooking the rice a little shorter.
I don't look at it as a matter of survival but an amazing opportunity to be creative. So, for a few more days: rice and vegetables it will be.
I can't help but crave hamburgers and chicken though. It is what it is.
In less exciting news. I took my first bath today. The Japanese style of bathing generally consists of washing down in a shower that is connected to a short (my legs were definitely bent) and very deep bathtub. So, as I was sitting and freezing while watching Gilmore Girls, I decided to finally use this bathtub.
It was amazing. As soon as I steered my mind away from the heavy water against my chest, I relaxed. For about five minutes. I guess I'm not a bath girl. It's like my own mini spa. And I'm glad I experienced it.
My vacation has been so relaxing. A little boring at times. But already full of drama (and I didn't even leave my apartment yesterday but to go running and check my mail). Monday, I wait for thee. I will be going to Tokyo, then Kyoto and off to South Korea...
Until then..I relax and enjoy not having to move from my bed if I don't want to.
Monday, October 18, 2010
The lighter side of things...The rubbing of the skin
On the contrary...
I went to visit my friend at his bar. I'm standing, talking, laughing...probably eating and I feel a slight rubbing on my arm. It's no big deal. The bar is packed, people bump into each other. Then I feel it again. It turns out, this guy standing next to me is rubbing my arm. I have no idea what he says to me as my Japanese listening skills are as bad as they come...maybe. The bar tender laughs then swats his hand away.
I've noticed this a lot lately. The rubbing of the skin. I guess. It is what it is. Just another thing that amuses me in Japan.
Oh I love thee.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Why I believe... and Why I love Glee
And the conclusion is the same every time.
I've had a lot of thinking time as I've been walking/running the 1.5 hours to work every day the last six days. It was hard, walking through mountains and through tunnels and past the biggest spiders I've ever seen in life. OMG these things were huge. I think I spent the majority of my time gawking and silently screaming. Anyway, one day, I opened myself up to the idea that: as long as that spider sits nicely in its web, I'll walk by it without wanting to run.
And as soon as I did that, God spoke to me. It wasn't your stereotypical heavens opened, lights beamed and a big deep voice from above called down to me. It was more of a conscious thing. A small, still voice that said: If you give it room, it will grow as big as that space is. I realized this as I looked and the giantness (that's a new word) of this spider and how LARGE its web was and just how much space it had to build this web (which was my height and wider than me) and how it perched, right in the middle of it; enjoying the breeze just as I was. And I realized that if we give ourselves the chance, if we cling onto our webs and build them as big as we can, we too, will grow. We may need some help though...
I believe because when I was a child, bad things happened to me. As a teenager, worse things happened to me. As an adult...
I believe because human beings are horrible, selfish beings that kill for their own good. That rape and molest children. That eat when they are too full to breathe. That make fun of others when they feel insecure. But can show compassion to people they do not know. That will risk their lives to save others. That will fight with a person who has been molested or raped just to make sure they get through.
I believe because when I was growing up, something inside me stayed strong. No matter what happened to me, I got through it. I held onto my belief, to that feeling of peace and love that overwhelmed me when I felt no one else loved me and it got me through those dark times. There's no way I could have ever made it without it.
I believe because no human being could ever fill the void of never knowing my father or losing the love of my life. I believe because my friends call me their Angel. I believe because no matter how screwed up a human being I am, someone is there to say: it's okay.
I believe because on the outside I look fine and on the inside I feel fine despite the fact that I should be in shambles.
Life is so very hard especially when things happen that you can't control. Or when you do things that you should never be forgiven for. Or when you have no money to pay for medical bills.
I believe because when life hits me, I have something stronger that gets me through and God not only gets me through, he provides the patience and strength I need to keep going.
Everyone is entitled to believe in what they believe in and yes grilled Cheesus, you are delicious, but I don't think you prompted Rachel to let Finn touch her boobs... but I truly believe in God. I believe in Jesus as my savior and you would too... if you could only walk in my shoes.
And in Japan, that's highly unlikely because I have boat feet compared to the locals (except that one girl and two men I've seen)...
I believe because when I'm crying, I end up laughing at the fact that this pain is just temporary.
I believe in Love and all good things.
Boom! (love ya cousin).
I love Glee!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Oh how He loves us
She hurts.
She hurts continuously.
She hurts continuously as he sits and he laughs.
He laughs while she hurts.
It's a shame because I'm there. In the background. Wanting. Willing. Waiting.
For her to stop hurting.
For him to stop laughing.
To see. She is no longer smiling next to him. Next to him, she sits. Torment in her eyes. Pain in her heart. As she hurts.
No expressions come from her mouth. Because it hurts.
To admit the truth. To admit she should get up.
Up from his side. His smile. His laugh.
Because he doesn't love.
She loves.
But he doesn't love.
He lives.
But he doesn't love.
She sits.
Next to him. In torment. Her heart waiting.
I wait. In the shadows. Reaching out to her. Crying.
Don't look back. Turn and run.
For he doesn't see.
He never sees. He's laughing.
She's waiting.
Stop! Just leave. Stop sitting. Stop waiting.
Get up and RUN!
It's not changing. It will never change.
He doesn't love.
He doesn't see.
He doesn't love.
He doesn't love.
He doesn't love.
He laughs.
Get up.
He doesn't love.
I watch. In torment. My heart. In torment.
Just get up.
He can't love.
Not the way he should.
Listen to me.
He can't love.
He doesn't love.
Still she sits. Waiting. Willing. Loving.
He won't love. She won't leave.
I'm in the background. Calling out. Crying out.
Why won't you listen?
He can't love.
Not the way he should.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Love Letter
4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
This time last year, I would have been sleeping next to you. We probably would have just gotten home and I'd be cranky and cold and you'd be exhausted and warm. You'd wrap your whole body around me and we'd sleep. Snoring, happily. Today, I thought about giving up, about moving on. I'm sure if I were to do so, a few of my friends and even some of my family would rejoice as they've seen us tear apart the Bible verses I've printed.
We've been through so much in the past 4.5 years. We've overcome even more: ourselves, one another. We've lost friends and family members. Lost ourselves and regained strength. As a couple, we were not the perfect example of love. Not in the least bit. But, in time. But, in prayer. But, in hope.
Love is patient, it's kind, it does not boast, is not easily angered. I've never known a person who allows me to break down on a daily basis and still provide comforting words. I wouldn't even wish my crying and whining on another person. But, you listen and you do it with a grace only God can give. You've done and still do all that you can to take care of me. But, not just me: everyone around you. You've waken up in the middle of the night to answer phone calls from friends across the world. You take the time to work an extra job just to help out at home. I've seen you save for months just to spend it on a ticket for your nephews birthday (that he may not even remember!). I've been taught not to boast, to stay humble and I look at you and how hard you work without any complaints.
It's been so long since I've been able to sleep next to you. Since I've been smothered by your giant soccer-legs; but I can still feel you near. I can still smell your cologne and I can still laugh at your aerobics outfits as if I am still watching you get dressed. I haven't written you a love letter in so long. I remember when we first met, we'd write back and forth every day when we were away from one another.
You told me: my love is there, even if I'm bad at writing it down. And I guess this rant is more of a reminder for myself. To not give up. To remember that love always hopes and always perseveres. So, I love you.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
My relationship with Japan
I just don't like NEW feelings. I'm not good at meeting new people, don't like starting over in relationships and don't like it when food changes from the yummy goodness it was the night before.
So, I'm talking to my friend, Wayne. And we were going through our normal banter. To be honest, I don't even remember what we were "bickering" about. I just remember him telling me to CONFORM! And I said NOOOOOO! It was then that I thought about my relationship with Japan. And after reading Vivian's blog, understanding the fact that I'm totally in a new relationship.
So, some background. Cause, when did I ever blog without backtracking?
It took me 26 years and a LOT of different things in my life (some tragic, some I brought on myself, some I didn't bring on anyone and would never wish on my worst enemy) to become the person I am today. Now, not saying I'm perfect. But, I am at a point where I LIKE myself! And, sorry Wayne, I will not conform...
Back to the conformity that is the issue. I thought about it. I thought about adhering to all the traditions, dating a Japanese man (ahhh that's what it was about, him dating a Japanese girl and me staying true to my beautiful Italian...mmm). So, an explanation. It's not that I think it bad for people to conform to a new culture. Many people come to Japan to "find themselves". I didn't. I know who I am. And know why I came. And I won't conform.
I enjoy everything that is this country. Almost everything lol. I love the fact that my city is so quaint and the people are so sweet. AND that they eat my food willingly!!! I love the differences that I see every day; that I am a foreigner and can't always understand the language. I will force myself to learn the language because it just makes sense. AND it will make my volleyball coach's life so much easier. I'll even learn Hiragana and Katakana and ask people what certain Kanji mean. BUT I'm not conforming. I enjoy Japan for what it is and I enjoy myself, as myself, in Japan. I love listening to Gucci Mane and "Mrs. Officer, Mrs. Officer..." and "A millie A millie A millie..." it never fails to get me ready for a crazy workout. Even IF I'm no where near as fit as I think.
I've been so mopey lately. And complainy (made that up Charlie...I think). But, I love this crazy country despite the things I wish I had from home here. And I don't want to go home. I'd really like to walk to the park by Urakami station (but it poured as soon as I stepped outside). Anywho... so, here are some things that make me smile:
Fukuoka- I love it mainly because of the lights and the shopping and the LOFT... And the fact that there are so many things to go to in Fukuoka: it's not my Nagasaki though:
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My students are respectful and cute. One class- JR high students -all males got up after class and bowed to me! Not over it yet and it was the most amazing experience ever. I heart them...Japanese kids are hilarious! At least my students (and in this case, Mayumi no students desu):
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Mayumisan and tamodachii!!! I love this bar. I rarely go because I'm scared of being dependent upon alcohol especially during my mopey stage and spending all my money on Tequila Sunrises :( but I heart Mayumi's bar too! It's like a big family AND I get to cook (Friday is round two)...
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The Randomness that IS Japan! In this picture Sami (with the dress) had just gotten finished changing (under her dress). Jason, was forced to turn around until she was done...Mayumi was apparently deep in thought and Akaneezysan and I posed for the pic while Sachiko took it! What a great day at the beach. Despite my BBerry dying, my foot scrapping, me tipping over into the ocean and Sami being harassed by every jellyfish in the ocean...
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So... As Vivian mentioned earlier. We are truly in a relationship with Japan. And sometimes relationships have their ups and downs. This last month has certainly had its ups and downs :0) :0( :0) :0( :0) lol was my life on an hourly basis! But, Japan, I do love you. Despite my irrational behavior! Forgive me?
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Skype Dates and "Cupcakes"
Now, I'm not 100% going back on my support for the cause. Cause (heehee) there are times when I am thankful to be in a LD relationship. I get to have freedom to play and am forced to meet new people. I've acquired a few cool friends to run with. My friend, Wayne, is a giant black man that makes me cry on runs (only behind his back) and then there's Tai who runs so fast!
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Anywho. So.. My advocacy stands with limitations. Finding time SEE one another of course helps.
I've told my friends the frustrations I've had with my bf and I not being able to see one another. I was whining to my lovely Emilee who has actual serious problems in her life (I love you Em) and she said: It's just a test. Lol, that's all I needed.
So, here's the update: more so to get it off my chest.
My original plan for September only involved me (really) and I had not thought of the trouble it'd be for finding jobs for an Italian in Japan. oops, mi bado :( However, jobs arose for Italians in Italy and though it was a crazy time, we rejoiced as it opened a MANY doors. So... of course we wait. October is coming and I have two weeks. The tickets for me to leave Japan are super duper expensive and him flying here is possible and not 100% logical. Jobs. Bills. Life come into play. Soccer etc.... So, we wait. I've never been good with waiting. I don't even like waiting for the red man to turn green so I can cross the street. BUT the past year has been a waiting game. And as I continue to force things to go my way, things turn into blah and I often find myself starting all over.
I'm afraid to talk to some of my friends about stuff like this because (as my lovely Lydia said: We want you to be happy). So... thank you blog for not caring lol. I feel like I am disappointing them. Which means, I gotta stop complaining! sheesh.
The moral of this last complaint (hee) is that apparently waiting is STILL one of my weaknesses that I truly need to work on. Things have always worked out and will always work out.
Speaking of working out: I found a hair dresser. Or three...
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Just ran, so maybe I'll eat a tiny bit of my cake...ah home made cream cheese/brown sugar frosting mmm hmmm!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
"From the Jump"
From the Jump, I was born with a purpose. From the Jump, He knew me, even in my mother's womb. He knew what I was to do, when I was going to do it and why.
From the jump, children have always made me happy. The sound of children's laughter is by far one of the greatest joys I have. I can sit on a park bench and watch them play. I'm happiest in my classes when they look at me, confused, then ask their friend for help or when they say "ahhh wakata!" I love when they figure out what needs to be done on their own (after a little push from me); it's like they are a little tiny person (or sometimes a big person).
Anyway, as per my last post...I talked about seasons and reasons and all kinds of rhyming words. I decided to get over myself and keep pressing on. However, I still won't settle for bull. Life's too short to do so. Why do it? Why not expect the best? Why settle? Why not have a back up plan? Thank you JenniferRae for helping me realize that.
So... Over the last week or couple days since my last post, I've been praying a lot more and just sitting back and looking at my own actions (thank you Ana for your message). I cannot personally control anyone or anything. I can't control the fact that my iPhone hates me or that the Japanese bank hates me lol.
However, I CAN control the type of teacher I am. I can ask God to change situations, to change the hearts of others (that they focus on what's important and not just money). And I have. I know I was brought here to Japan for a reason. And I KNOW that reason is not just to teach. Or play volleyball. Or make new, great friends.
And I feel so selfish lately that I've been so blessed here. My kids are great. Seriously great. Even ones that I've complained about have changed since last month. My JTs are ridiculously amazing and fun and compassionate. And I've been surrounded by some of the greatest people in Japan, I'm sure! Thank you all for just being so nice lol. And again, the selfishness is overtaking me and I feel like: what can I do to give back???!!!!! How do I help others?
And duh. Just be me. "Do you girl, get you some," was what Emilee wrote in the card she gave me. Lol. And doing me: A silly, hungry, loving girl who will pray for you with or without you noticing. How do I give back? By doing what God called me to do:
To teach to the best of my abilities. To make sure the kids in my classes are learning as much as they can, but having fun doing it. To pray for ridiculous decisions, even if those people are older than me or make more money or make decisions. And to get over myself and trust God. Because when I truly do this, I know that all things will come to pass. BECAUSE they ALWAYS Have and ALWAYS will. It just is what it is. It's how my life rolls.
So, from the jump, I've set out to teach. And here I be.
Then I listened to this:
Thank you Keena, for posting this on Facebook btw.
And realized that my friends and family are amazing. Seriously amazing. I can honestly say that I am a blessed woman. Undeservingly blessed. I have some great confidants. Who kick my butt, but hug me when I cry; love me when I'm wrong and are patient with me when I'm ridiculous. I have confidants that get all up in my business to let me know: shouldn't be that way. oohh weee!
And here's to a coat of many colors. To stepping out of my comfort zone. To showing my thanks by working as hard as I can and knowing that things will be okay. Peace.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Hurry Up and Wait
I mean there are daily things I get excited about! My city is amazingly beautiful and the friends that I've made and am getting to know are awesome as well!
check out some photos:
It may have been the whole: doing something new, teaching (what I love), traveling (what I love) and learning a new language (what I love) aspect of coming here. But, as I sit and complain, I realize: those things are still prominent.
Life, unfortunately, is not perfect. We, as humans are not perfect. I mean, I'm almost perfect, but not quite there yet lol. Seriously, though. Crap happens. We get excited about new choices and do hours upon hours of research and dive in to a new decision. We'll always have reservations about our new choices and sometimes those reservations hold to be true.
So, now that some of my reservations are all up in ma face what do I do?
I feel as though by some things not being as perfect as they could or as I thought they would be, I'm a failure. Or that I'm fickle for not wanting to continue.
But, then I realized... I'm 26 years old. Jennifer Rae told me that 25 was a sexy age (I agreed, then I turned 26... so I guess it's sexy with one year experience?). Anyway, what I think she was getting at was 25 is a sense of maturity. You're no longer a baby and you're still at your peak in life. Still in your 20's but not early twenties. 26 is even better because I can officially say I'm grown.
So, back to my realization: just because I'm apt to try new things then peace them out when they aren't as good as I expect them to be doesn't make me fickle. It makes me smart. I'm 26 years old, I have my Masters in Education, I have a loving family, friends, beautiful boyfriend and the most adorable nephew one could ask for. I feel like I've been given situations that I only need to be in for a while; those situations get me to my next step in life. Sometimes I get discouraged because I'm doing a waiting game! I wait for a phone call, for my pay check, to transfer hear God, for Friday... But I guess I should: enjoy today for tomorrow has it's own troubles more often...
One of the best parts about my life is that I've been given a gift of discernment and the understanding that things happen for a reason, in a season. Not just for a reason, but some things have to happen only for a season.
So... the past year I've had so many different seasons that I've gone through. Some of which I could live without, some of which I needed to grow. I've lived and traveled everywhere searching to find myself and a job lol.
The point to my rant is that I'm going through different seasons. I'm waiting for my main goal in life to happen and until then, I am going to enjoy the ride. BUT that doesn't mean I will settle for just anything. No no no... I'm 26, I'm grown. You get to a point in life where settling is not okay.
AND if that makes me look fickle, then so be it. I'd like to think I'm wise...
For the record, waiting for what you truly want SUCKS! But enjoying the things put in place to help you get to where you really want HELPS lol!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Nostalgia, Il Divo and Inflammation...
I just had a conversation with some friends about inflammation of many things on the body... lol. I won't go into details, but as a girl, taking antibiotics, you'd understand. Even if you think you don't understand, trust me, you understand!
Speaking of antibiotics. I can finally sit up for longer than an hour without wanting to pass out. I've gone running AND have worked once already this week. I'm finally not feeling under the weather. Yay!!1 It's been two weeks and running since the sore throat started and such a sob story on going to the hospital etc... I think we've had enough of the being sick in Japan story...
Nostalgia has hit. But, I'd like to take it as my understanding just how blessed I am to have such loving and super, ridiculously, intelligent friends :). However, it's nostalgia. I was doing Pilates, listening to K-Love and a sense of nostalgia came over me. I wanted Lydia to be in her study nook studying (or in the corner four feet away from me lol) and my crazy babies running around and getting mad at one another. I wanted friends that know what I'm thinking and how I'm feeling before I act to be here, all living with me in my little apartment. So far, my phone bill is ridiculous! But, it's a small price to pay to hear the voices of my loved ones. Skype hasn't worked out thus far.
Il Divo makes me miss Ciro more than ever, but Il Divo brings back the fondest memories and makes me happy to listen. We still do our three-five minute phone sessions per night lol and on Sundays take more time to actually catch up in one another's lives. Sometimes we just whine on the phone, but it's nice to comfort each other. Il Divo is what is on my radio station now ;)
I'll have two weeks off in October :) Vacation time here I come.
I have my first volleyball practice on Saturday and have met, made a bad joke with and not understood my coach all in one night. I look forward to playing and sweating.
I've also acquired a running buddy! Yay Tai!!! He took me on a "trail" run and we ended up at track (said track that I always pass on the way to my staff meetings).
So, in an attempt to get through and embrace the nostalgia, I'm happy. Some days more than others. Some days I'm stupid happy. Other days I cry. Like today may be a crying day. We'll see. Granted... it's that time of the month again.
I had my first language exchange where I am helping a friend improve his writing. It's so much easier to improve the writing of others than to improve your own. But, whatevs.
Annndddd I'm done. Happy Thursday. Jersey Shore comes on soon I'll fist pump to that!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Wrong! It could be because I am slightly a loner. Kinda socially awkward. I don't mind being alone. I laugh at my own jokes. I get myself. I watch what I want to watch. I you get it.
NOPE the best part is all the nakedness. I'm typing this naked. It's okay I won't post pictures. Don't get offended mom, you are sometimes naked too. I've seen it!
YES living, alone, in Japan without my crazy (though I miss them very much so) country family is okay because I can live alone naked.
The blinds are closed though. I get too many creepy stares from creepier half-intoxicated older men. Don't want to get too comfortable too soon. Blinds closed for now...naked.
Well well well...Welcome to Nagasaki City
I've begun to settle into Nagasaki City and have fallen in love with my "little" port city. So much has happened in so little time.
For starters, I've met some great teachers (some work with me, some don't) and have been able to take day trips and two over night trips with them. We've had laughs and have gotten to know one another. I can say I honestly miss my friends back home who know everything about me: how I tick, what I like and don't like, who have inside jokes from last year or even ten years ago. BUT moving to a new place (and by new I mean a completely different country) is what I've decided and so meeting new people and opening myself up is what I get.
I've slowly begun learning Nihongo slowwwllly. Granted I can pretty much read Hiragana and should be able to read Katakana soon.
I've had a ton of adventures: went on my first two-day business trip to Karatsu (where I was originally supposed to be) and loved it. Not as much as I love my Nagasaki though.
So.... Ana
She's the teacher I am "replacing" who lived here in NC for 8 years. There's no way I could replace her, but she's helped me so much with finding things and meeting new people. I think I mentioned in my last blog that I made myself go to the gaijin hangout (equipped with an American flag in the window). Kendall's... all I can say is: Kendall is already like an older brother :) and he just had twins that I plan on baby sitting ASAP! We all know how I feel about babies and he has TWO! Holla. His bar is full of all kinds of different characters and if I ever needed a sugar daddy...I think I'd play my cards there. ;)
Then there's the lovely Mayumi. She's a tiny character with a huge heart. She fed me yesterday and I well, fell in love lol.
I've met soooo many people and they've all been extremely nice and welcoming and just amazing. I'm seriously so blessed. OH and I got internet so that makes my life even better.
AH I finished my last Master's class with 100% on all assignments!!! My gpa ended up being awesome. All A's and one B (first class, boo).
Hmmm.... I talk to puzzo once or twice or three times a day. We argue for thirty seconds then realize it's the missing and laugh and make up. I miss him. But I have surprises in store in the near future ;)
OH Japanese emoticons are ridiculously adorable. As is most of Japan.
I met the Portugese Navy and that was great times! They were as excited as I was that we both spoke "Spanish" and English and even some Italian.
And then there's Wayne, my running partner; who ended up running by himself on Sunday because I have been sick! UGH...
So my job... I have my reservations. I think I need to dive into it further and make it my own and I'll be okay. I'm having way too much fun outside of work and finding new things that I'm not as focused on my job. I'll let it pass for this first month as I am getting to know my kids and my JTs whom are all amazing.
Seriously, having people pray for me and doing some myself has proven to be awesome. My faith is HUGE now. Even in crazy times (like walking four hours through the mountains to a classroom) I'm at peace. So... Japan it is.
It's not all perfect of course. And I like that. I like that there are some things that I can say...Anoooo :( to. Because it shows me just how perfect God is. hmmmm
I'll figure out how to post pics on here for peeps that don't have Facebook.
I love my apartment and can't wait to have extra money to buy used furniture! Thankfully, in Japan people take care of their things so used furniture hasn't looked very used.
OH dear. Speaking of Japanese. I almost forgot about my Ryota. I call him my Japanese boy friend because he's truly proven to be a great friend. He walks me home when I get lost, looks at guys meanly when they are getting too close to me and makes fun of my kiddish writing of Hiragana. He makes me teach him English and I try to make him teach me Japanese pero non funzione. It's okay though, it's nice to have consistent company and to be forced to figure out what the other is saying because neither one of us is even close to fluent in the other's language. Sometimes we just laugh at each other because we have NO idea what we want to say.
Pandora makes me happy.
My church is sooooo far away :( I have to save money to go to it. But until then, I've been doing daily devotions and watch TBN television which has some amazing dramas on it. I even cried yesterday! I'll blame it on feeling yucky.
Tonight is a dinner for Akaneezy (Akane- one of my favorite Japanese names for girls; chokawaii) and another girl Sami (such cute names). SO, I'll be doing that. Then coming home to prepare for my presentation for work tomorrow. yaaaay hahaha. I need some of Magui's creativity.
I miss my family. My teeny tiny nephew and how he sleeps on my chest and watches sports so well... my mom and how she lets things stress her lol and my silly sisters who are both so sweet and so opposite but so much alike. My handsome Godson and mama (she keeps letting him grow ugh). And D...
I miss my naked Emilee lol. It's true, she's always naked. And my Korean whom I'm currently not talking to. And my Vannybunsbunsbuns who gives the best hugs. And my kids, my baby's mama and her fiance/my brother. My crazy Marine! My silly Model and baby bruv. My Bronte's sheesh! I miss you all!!!
Buuutttt... Nagasaki is good to me and I do NOT miss America. Mostly. Nope, no I don't.
I did cry last week sometime. But I got over it.
My book hates me btw. Just in case anyone asks. It's in the works. Editing yay. Ugh. VannyB has begun working on the cover...
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Kiki IN Nagasaki City...
I arrive and find John standing there with a huge smile and something in his hand. Ah, an umbrella. He offers to take one of my three bags (this is after me even sending two big suitcases to be delivered) and I politely oblige. We walk, through rain into what I originally see as: what is this, so many lights, so many people. It turns out that literally four maybe, trolley stops from my house is a HUGE mall. And somewhat behind that is another HUGE mall and then somewhere else in my city is a third HUGE mall. Needless to say...
So, we make it and wait two hours for the gas man to come and install gas. My apartment is small. Imagine a dorm with a kitchen. That, is a Japanese style apartment. However, everything is new. Thankfully I am replacing a girl, Ana, who decided that she wanted to get a new apartment in the downtown area. And she got one. Everything in my apartment is new, pink, and green. It smells like fresh paint, the floors are nicely polished and I have a real bed. AND a real view. I can see gorgeous mountains outside my balcony and a shrine (can't remember the name). It's absolutely wonderful and I've taken to decorating it. I'll post pictures on a later date.
So... The first week began and John and I walked around, in the rain, to get my information. Thankfully, John was here to help me get regisitered. He, however, was not available to help with my getting a bank account and cell phone. But, with a lot of gesturing and saying a million yeses (hmmm?) and drawing pictures, I was successful and now have both a bank account and a lovely (of course) iPhone. No iPhone 4 :( the guy at the softbank place made wide arms to indidcate that it's a looooooong wait. To be honest, I'm content with my black berry and iPhone. And feel slightly spoiled. I guess my mom's, sister's, family, friend's many prayers really paid off.
I am in Japan where down the street is a street market. It's closed off (no cars may enter) and people line the streets to buy produce, fresh meat, fresh fish, clothing, enter the 100yen shop (woo hoo) and I found a pair of cute white and black polka dotted rain boots.
I have also signed up for Japanese lessons with a private tutor and start those today at 7 pm (2 hours from now). I now realize that I am one of those people who jet away to a far off land and fall in love.
On my way to my classroom (I have an office week, which means I don't teach any classes, but I head to my empty classroom and prepare lessons for the rest of the month)... was the best ride ever. The scenery is absolutely breath taking and it literally took my breath away over and over and over again. I seriously wish I could knock on heaven's door and thank God personally for allowing me to be in such a miraculous place.
So... I've met many different people so far, in my training.
They are all deeply missed already and such wonderful, accepting people. We, honestly, were all as different as black and white, but almost identical in a way. I guess, you'd have to be there to understand. I truly miss you guys and wish I could share the excitement that Nagasaki City brings to me...we had some good times exploring Nagoya together. AND I expect visits! Capicc??
So, my life consists of waking up, reading Joyce Meyer, praying for family, friends, myself, this city... and whining about being tired. Then finding strength to do my hair (which is growing out of the cute cut it was in...) and getting dressed and heading outside. I live literally on the outskirts of downtown. It takes about 20 minutes to walk to China town, five more minutes to walk to the big outside mall and add five minutes here or there and I've circled all of downtown. I have learned to get around (yaaay and am learning kanji..slooooowwwwllly, but surely). I also, don't turn my AC on much because the rain has cooled everything down a bit.
I enjoy my apartment (which John says is a steal considering my location) and that my clothes were almost crazy enough to fit-in with Japan style. Granted... I haven't been able to wear any of my heels :( On another note, I bought these beautiful shockingly blue Ns! Yaaay shoes.
Some advice for those reading who are just heading to Japan:
1. Bring cash; but finding a 7-11 is pretty much easy and you can use a debit card to get money out.
2. Have fun!
3. It's not as hard as it seems.
I can't think of anything else lol. I've asked a million questions to the same people over and over and am learning a lot about Japan. I also learned that there is a nice American bar down the street from my house which I will go to tomorrow night for Happy Friday! And there's another bar that frequents the English speakers and some Japanese locals that I will visit on Saturday. Japan has treated me well... even having four (or five) different bags for different types of trash! lol.
Hopefully this weekend, I'll be able to play as I have about 3 days off :)
Monday, July 5, 2010
First two weeks in Japan...
I am on an hour train bound for teaching! So far, we've been training A LOT but also playing and eating A LOT! The balance has been great.
In Japan, I have found that (besides deodorant and toothpaste and maybe some shoes) everything is readily available and everyone is readily available to help you.
Let's talk about that...
So, I ended up getting lost on my first day of classes (where I taught two different levels of classes back to back; both of which I had never done before in training)... Long story short: I am half hour late and am crying in the rain. Just little tears :( But everyone I asked for directions was nice and felt really bad when they had NO idea where I was going. Lol. It turns out the map was outdated. Tsk tsk... But now I have a sob story to tell...
Everything went well and the kids enjoyed my games and were pretty good kids.
So far, I've seen castles, shrines, raccoon-dogs, been eaten by mosquitoes AND done fireworks in the park. We've eaten everything from ramen to tofu-burgers and laughed until we've cried.
I feel really blessed to be here in Japan and with a set of peeps I can call family already.
And a shout out to C-Dog aka charred leaves aka Mistah Charlie: You betta don't!
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Sunday, June 27, 2010
14 hour layovers and meeting the new crew
And made me eat blue chicken.
Yes, the chicken stands alone. I did laugh when the waitress took my chopsticks out of my hands and brought me a fork. No, I didn't ask for one; apparently, I disgraced her restaurant and country. But, it was okay, I wasn't too happy with China anyway... Shanghai airport for 14 hours that is.
I got through it by sleeping on a bench in my Snuggie. The hours drove by. Saying they flew would be exaggerating. Needless to say, I sucked it up (as if I had a choice) and awoke in Japan!!!!!!
I started out by not having enough in cash (sorry I was NOT going to carry around 2500USD as recommended) and my passport photos which I think I accidentally threw away. I think it may have been on purpose.
That day, I met my roommate and the 100yen shop with great produce and other items (like my pillow). And as I so desperately wanted to sleep, I was pleasantly surprised with a Charlie,a Sarah and an Iva. We chatted a bit, then passed out.
The next day was filled with temples, two weddings, a shrine, lots of dollar snacks, a huge mall (that made me smile), train day-passes, more snacks, the biggest bestest most amazing convenient store (imagine a great whole foods or trader joes and multiply it by 100, then add vendors that made healthy food and snacks and a couple restaurants as well) and "snack bar" and of course Uniqlo and some kicks n giggles.
And we came home, passed out like lil' infants for an hour then headed to Charlie's house where we discussed everything from Avatar to oil spills, politics, religion, travel and food.
Sunday, today, we went for a group run, hiked through gorgeous terrain, found an archery place, vowed to visit each other upon departures and Karaoked to our hearts content. I got to practice my Japanese style and hanging of the laundry. It's rainy season.
If you remember anything from my blog, remember this: Japanese washing machines will eat you alive.
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Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Shanghai-Nihon-2 days
So, onto the plane I go. I have changed over my money and my cell phone. I will have all the internet access in the world, but may not hear anyone's voice for a while :( and by a while I mean two weeks.
It wasn't until I looked up from my phone call that I realized: ASIANS. I had my first bout of culture shock. And two: Ohhh, that's where you plug things in (at the airport).
So far, everything in my life is coming together :) I am very excited to head out to Shanghai and even more excited to use my snuggie on the plane!!!
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Friday, June 18, 2010
Remember who you are...
So, today was a very busy day and I seriously didn't worry! Didn't stress out and kept walking when I strained my foot again.
So, here's to the Lion King and to everyone who is worrying: a list of things to do at least a month in advance before heading to Japan:
1.If you can, start sorting through your stuff. This will help when you pack as you'll sort through it again and probably dispose of things you don't really need.
2. Slowly stock up on your personal items (I have special things to use for my hair and skin and tummy-food).
3. Go to the doctor and get your physical! And don't forget to do this! Lol...
4. Exchange your money: Banks will order it for you
5. Have fun with family and friends and enjoy those little annoyances you dislike about home.
6. Remember to keep your passport photos ;)
7. Look into travel insurance. I found some under 30 online.
8. Hakuna Matata: You'll get your placement, your COE and visa will be on-time. Trust that the recruiter does this as a living and probably wouldn't push the boundaries on time.
9. Get excited!!!
10. Ask for the info of other teachers in your area or for the one you're replacing; this helps with asking questions about your placement.
P.S. Study Japanese
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Thursday, June 17, 2010
The Real Test...
My nephew was born six weeks ago! I, love love love babies, but I love my nephew more than anything I have ever loved (even food!). And with that, comes a greater respect for my wee sister. She's young, new, worn out and she has at least 18 years left.
So, it's almost 3 am and baby Jeyshaun has screamed the tears to my eyes and out his diaper. I have always respected potty time but it's such a joy when a child makes peepee or a baby pushes out their poo...
Thank goodness for feeding and pooping and a little cooing because he is happily snoring away on mama's chest. I can't sleep right now because A: I'm traumatized and B: I'm scared I'll miss a world cup match. But really, I am stressed lol.
I've been trying to help wee mama since I have come to visit a week ago and have over-stepped my boundaries. (Bad auntie! This is real life, not the classroom...) It's so easy for me to say: here, I'll take him, you go play outside. And it's easy for her to say: SURE! Being on bedrest for 10 mos, she'd be crazy not to want to socialize. But our priorities have been off and though I spent some good quality time with little baby, I needed to be doing more.
So, after a nice "discussion" with my wonderful role models I decided I needed to be more of a help and not a manager. And she and I sat down and wrote a schedule for papichulo. We also wrote ways to play with him (developmentally) and ways to soothe him. It was a nice bonding moment for us :) and there are now references on the wall.
Then of course baby beluga (thank you Trevis) put us to the test. He woke up so upset! He screamed! But, my wee sis did it. She didn't get wide-eyed and all crybabyish (like crazy aunt over here), she fed him, changed him and soothed him.
So, my biggest fear, I now realize, when moving to Kyushu is not the language barrier, not missing friends and an oven, not even Vivian's roaches finding me... My biggest fear is my nephew screaming and my sister giving up.
But, I have hope! Tonight was a bittersweet hope :) papichulo and wee sis have a crazy journey ahead of them, but they will be okay. At least that's what other mama's have told me. ;)
Thanks everyone for answering my frantic FB messages and emails and texts while I freak out and my little sis tries her best. Lol. Papichulo is in good hands. And he is surrounded by loving people. And he is so loving (see how he holds his mama... She is his).
So... Kyushu here I come. Sheesh balls I'm not good with goodbyes or saying sayonara...
So I'll drink my water and turn ESPN on. Beluga will be awake again to watch it with me while we try to let mama sleep longer in a few anyway.
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Pictures (from Google) of Nagasaki
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Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Not in Karatsu
It turns out, Nagasaki suits me pretty well. It's still city-esque but with a wonderful mountainous backdrop and it's by the sea.
I also already "met" the other teacher who works there. He is really nice :)
It turns out that the girl I will be replacing is leaving her big items behind. So, I virtually won't have to worry about a bed, microwave ovens, rugs (? Dunno what type of rugs just yet) and a plethora of other things. What a blessing!
I am excited to start this new journey. My city is also a huge hub for history (atomic bombs, christian crucifixions, islands that are now ships)...
Good times shall be had by all.
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Monday, June 14, 2010
Gas and other disparing diseases
My stomach bubbled up and well... you know the rest.
What if I get gas in Japan? Will there be tums to help come to the rescue (though I don't use tums here, but what if I feel the need to use them there?)? Do they have that icky pink stuff that I hold my breath while drinking and then almost throw up while chugging water (I just do NOT like liquid medicine...became a pro at swallowing pills in the third grade). And what if...what if my gas turns into...well, what if?
So, my friend (I'd call her my friend even if we haven't met), Vivian (whose blog is amazing) told me not to worry about the little things before I leave. And I swear, since she said that, I haven't worried about much.
Except gas. I'm sure the Japanese have tummy problems, but they are probably too shy to say anything about it?
It's little things like that, that I worry about. The accommodations that I am used to here in the United States. Like ovens for instance.
That's the whole point of the journey, though isn't it?
To suck it up and embrace the culture. Even if my gas lingers...
Website for medicines:
I also have allergies... lol
Not there yet
My heart racing, mind spinning, excitement rising and... babies crying. I had to stop studying for the day. I was at work, in Texas, exhausted and ready to go home. Except after my first job, I had another job to go to. But in as little as one week, I would be closing my Texas chapter and opening my Japan life.
An ode to Japan.
It started by accident. I was frustrated with my school and their planning, or lack thereof, and decided to do my own research. I wanted to teach overseas and they weren't making it happen, so I took matters into my own hands. A TEFL certificate was my first choice. I excitedly did research for hours on end, only to find the same six (give or take 10) sources that I found the week before. I finally attended a meeting where I fell in love with the instructor and even more so with teaching overseas. She was a flamboyant little lady with wide hips, wide smile, small dreads and mocha skin. She had a knack for cultures and spoke Portugese. She was definitely my type of teacher. And, I was excited to take her course a couple weeks later.
"You are getting your degree in teaching," she said. "Why don't you just try to apply to places and see if they hire you without the certificate."
Being the good little student I am (or was...when is my paper due?) I applied. To everywhere in Italy. Yes, I was determined to get to Italy. Italy was not determined to have me. But, as I reached out to Japan, it reached out to me.
If countries could have a gender, Japan would be a woman. A beautiful woman with long legs, a robust figure, warm personality and radiant skin. She'd be popular but shy, intelligent and loving. And boy could she cook. She'd clean and take care of everyone. Of course, she's so perfect that she'd be intimidating. Of course.
Of course I'd go for the norm...Italy. My first love. No one EVER forgets their first love. But just like that, I had to let it go.
I applied and got an interview. Then another one. And another. And... you get the point.
And I researched. And researched. And flew to Canada. Then researched some more and fell in love again.
I am on my way to Japan in less than two weeks to do what I love: teach.
Things I need to work on in the next week:
Travel Insurance
holding my nephew as long as I can
Things I will be doing in Japan:
I have no clue lol
For two weeks I will be going through intense training (which, I can honestly say I am excited about. I like intense challenges...)
And moving to Karatsu City.
It took me a week to remember that my city is called Karatsu and not Katsura.
I can't wait...