Monday, October 18, 2010

The lighter side of things...The rubbing of the skin

I've been under the impression that the lighter you are in Japan, the better. I've seen women wear white stockings to complement their white legs and blue veins. I've seen women hold up an umbrella to the cloudy days of Nagasaki. So, being the opposite of white, I figured, I'd be frowned upon.

On the contrary...

I went to visit my friend at his bar. I'm standing, talking, laughing...probably eating and I feel a slight rubbing on my arm. It's no big deal. The bar is packed, people bump into each other. Then I feel it again. It turns out, this guy standing next to me is rubbing my arm. I have no idea what he says to me as my Japanese listening skills are as bad as they come...maybe. The bar tender laughs then swats his hand away.

I've noticed this a lot lately. The rubbing of the skin. I guess. It is what it is. Just another thing that amuses me in Japan.

Oh I love thee.

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